
Based in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, Fernando is a dedicated and passionate personal trainer with a mission to help others achieve their fitness goals. With a Personal Trainer accreditation from the American College of Exercise (ACE), Fernando brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his practice. Specializing in strength training, stretching, walking, and exercise for adults aged 50 and over, he is committed to promoting health and wellness across all age groups.

Fernando's training philosophy is rooted in the belief that investing in yourself yields immense benefits. He emphasizes the importance of small, consistent efforts that lead to significant improvements over time. His life philosophy, "Compete with no one but yourself. Be better tomorrow than you are today," resonates deeply with his clients, encouraging them to focus on personal growth and self-improvement. With three years of experience as an instructor, Fernado has honed his skills and developed a keen understanding of how to motivate and support his clients on their fitness journeys. Certified since 2021, Fernando looks forward to motivating you and supporting you on your health and wellness journey with his special blend of fitness skills - not to mention fun!